Tennessee Populated Places 'h' List


Tennessee Populated Places Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q, R | S | T | U, V | W, X, Y, Z

Tennessee "H" Populated Places

 Additions and/or corrections to the database are encouraged! Simple Add/Edit Procedure.

Populated Place - Place or area with clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, settlement, town, village). A populated place is usually not incorporated and by definition has no legal boundaries. However, a populated place may have a corresponding "civil" record, the legal boundaries of which may or may not coincide with the perceived populated place. Distinct from Census and Civil classes.
Displaying 1 to 40 of 40 records
Name County
Hacker Washington
Haglerville Henry
Haleville DeKalb
Halfway Town Monroe
Hanlan Warren
Hardwick Wayne
Harrican Grundy
Hart Bledsoe
Hatmaker Campbell
Haversons Union
Haynes Union
Heads White
Hedgecoth Cumberland
Henard Overton
Henshaw Greene
Hensley Ridge Lawrence
Hickory Cove Hawkins
High Health Johnson
Highlands Grainger
Highpoint Knox
Hillis Warren
Hilton Sullivan
Hinds Creek Anderson
Hite Davidson
Hix Overton
Ho Monroe
Hoffasville Cheatham
Holly Coffee
Holmansville Robertson
Holston Grainger
Hooten Gibson
Hopewell Cannon
Horace Sullivan
Horseshoe Falls Warren
House Mountain Knox
Howard Lewis
Hudsonburg Putnam
Hughes Hamilton
Hurricane Branch Union
Hutson Grove Crockett
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